
In November 2010, after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, Bonnie met with a group of close personal colleagues, friends and family to present and discuss her legacy plan to promote literacy education around the world. With their whole-hearted support, Bonnie’s Big Idea was born!
Working in collaboration with trusted organizations around the world and an enthusiastic team of supporters both nationally and internationally, Bonnie believed her “Big Idea” could continue to grow and take on a life of its own.
Bonnie’s Big Idea promotes literacy education by supporting:
- Professional development for literacy educators at the state level;
- Professional development for literacy educators at the national level;
- Professional development for literacy coaches at the international level;
- A collaborative literacy project in India building libraries, translating books into local languages, and providing scholarships for girls, administered through Room to Read.
Bonnie Campbell Hill Washington State Literacy Leader Award

The Washington State Literacy Association (WaSLA) honors two outstanding teacher leaders each year with the Bonnie Campbell Hill Washington State Literacy Leader Award. They are classroom teachers, literacy coaches, or teacher educators dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of reading and writing in real world contexts in grades K–8 in Washington State. The $2,500 grant may be used for professional development (not materials, except professional books for a book study). This award is provided by the family of Bonnie Campbell Hill with the support of her colleagues.
Bonnie Campbell Hill National Literacy Leader Award

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and Children’s Literature Assembly (CLA) honors two outstanding teacher leaders each year with the Bonnie Campbell Hill National Literacy Leader Award. They are classroom teachers, literacy coaches, or teacher educators dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of reading and writing in real world contexts in grades K–8 in the United States. The $2,500 grant may be used for professional development (not materials, except professional books for a book study). This award is provided by the family of Bonnie Campbell Hill with the support of her colleagues.
International Coaching Award

Supporting teacher’s professional development at the international level, the Bonnie Campbell Hill International Coaching Award is a needs-based biennial award for one of the outstanding teacher leaders selected for the two-year international K–8 literacy coaching training by Carrie Ekey and colleagues. This program has completed and no additional applications are being accepted.
Room To Read India Project

The “Bonnie’s Big Idea” Fund was created to support a collaborative literacy project in India administered by Room to Read. Since its inception, Bonnie’s Big Idea has raised over $1M for Room to Read, which has been used to build libraries, publish local literature, and support girls’ education in India.